Our past, our present, our future.
Remembering where we came from.
We all begin somewhere, its very important to remember why we began, where we started, what our goals were and where you are today. Those of us who have decided to take the path of breeding such an amazing dog as the German Shepherd have a very high standard to maintain. The German Shepherd is the elite when it comes to the working dogs of the world. There is no dog that is used for as many tasks, or as wide of a range of tasks, as the German Shepherd. This is why it is imperative that the German Shepherd be first and foremost a working dog that is put through the tests that the SV requires of them to become qualified to be used for breeding.
When we began, in 1990 in Germany, going through the stringent training tasks to become a trainer, helper and breeder in Germany. We learned more in that time than most learn in their lifetime. We were lucky enough to be a protégé under the best Breeders, the best Helpers, the best Trainers in Germany. We have worked with some of the most influential German Shepherds and Breeders in the history of the breed, qualified and competed in as well as been the Helper at World events, we have assisted in training some of the top dogs in the World today. The knowledge we gained in this time has led us to not only compete, but to have bred top dogs of today.
In 2005 we purchased a lovely red sable female from the Zwinger vom Fichtenschlag in Germany. Her name was Happy vom Fichtenschlag-Zwinger. Happy, coming from the #1 kennel in the world, we knew she would be perfect. Natascha, our daughter was Happy’s owner and they did everything together, they were inseparable. Happy and Natascha quickly became the best of friends, as Happy got older, she began to accomplish her steps to become our future. In 2010 Happy became VA in Canada, still to this day I remember the excitement of this accomplishment for Natascha and Happy. Natascha was on cloud 9. Happy was just happy to be with her Natascha. Through Happy’s breeding career she produced many amazing dogs. Some of which are in Europe today, some are here in the United States. Idol was out of her first breeding who went on to become VA in England. After that she gave us our amazing J litter who have gone on to be amazing companions, Schutzhund dogs, Service dogs, as well as into others breeding programs. The next litter, we bred Happy to VA Bill von der Fürstenau, they blessed us with the “L” litter. We were looking for a little spice and boy did we get it. We kept Lilly and Legende from this litter. Lilly being the only black and red pup from the litter, was a little firecracker, she went on to win to receive her SchH2 and a Performance Award in Virgina with the placing of V2. Legende was shown several times, titled numerous times to IPO3 and received his FH1 also won the Performance Award. Happy went on to have one more litter in Germany and then was retired from breeding and working, she lived the rest of her life happily in beautiful Germany with Natascha. Happy was titled to SchH3 several times handled by Natascha, as well as the tracking titled FH1. Happy loved to work, and be a mother, but adored her girl Natascha most of all. Our hearts are full because of Happy.
Happy was our beginning…. Lilly and Legende have given us our Future
V Legende vom Haus am Lerchwenweg IPO3 FH1 KKL 1 lifetime
Legende is out of Happy and VA Bill von der Fürstenau he was multiple time V1 in the Pacific Northwest and Canada, he was shown in Germany, he did Performace work at the German Sieger Show, the UScA Sieger Show, as well as North American Sieger Show, always placing well and being a recipient of the Performance Award. He was trialed multiple times to IPO3 he also received his FH. He loves to work. He was bred a few times, there are several puppies from him that have left their mark on peoples hearts, his most valuable breeding to us was to Cia von der Brucknerallee. Which gave us our amazing sable female Soffi.
Legende loves life, he is currently retired and enjoys laying on the sofa, riding with the horses, hiking to the rivers in the mountains, swimming, hanging out on the beach, playing with puppies and children.
V Lilly vom Haus am Lerchenweg IPO2 KKL 1 lifetime
Lilly…… anyone who knows Lilly can just laugh. Lilly is a phenomenal female. This girl has so much spice. She was not shown a lot as it was not her favorite thing in the world to do, however boy does she love to work. This girl did not care who you were, where we were going, as long as she got to work and whatever you do, do not leave her at home on training day.
Lilly produced very special dogs, she has produced a police officer for a local department, a SAR dog who has saved lives, medical alert dogs, and service dogs, mobility dogs and several are also working in the sport of IGP (formerly knows as Schutzhund) and last but not least our Qonni, aka VA 1 Quinnie vom Haus am Lerchenweg IPO2 KKL. Lilly produced dogs with an amazing work ethic, not only were they striking in beauty but they devote their lives to their people like no other. We only had a few litters from Lilly. Lilly did everything in her own time. Lilly will be in our hearts forever through her children and grandchildren.
Welcome to our Present…
Quinnie vom Haus am Lerchenweg out of Lilly and Pippo House of Grumil and we have Soffi vom Haus am Lerchenweg out of Legende and Cia von der Brucknerallee.
Quinnie, was born for the crowd, the bigger the better she says! The ring was made for her. In 2018 she made VA 1 in Canada… I can honestly say I have never had so many emotions flood my body. This was a dream come true. She went on to receive the award of Best American Bred in the United States. While she was shown in Germany 4 times and was V14 at the German Sieger Show. To be V14 as an American Breeder is unheard of. Especially today, 2018 was for us the best Adventure by far. This girl is on fire.
And their stories continue…….
If you are still reading, Thank you, and I am glad that you are doing the research needed to find out where your future family member, sport prospect is coming from.
You will find people who say their dogs do not work in any official capacity, or that they do not do IGP, aka Schutzhund, or herding, because they believe that does not work in their lifestyle. That working dogs not make good pets. That their service work is more important. This is what separates, this is what ensures the stability, the broad use of the breed. Anyone who tells you that, is finding the easy way out, they are hoping you don’t know enough to know. I mean a German Shepherd is a German Shepherd right? No… A German Shepherd IS the ELITE of the dog world and should be treated as such.
As Max von Stephanitz said….. “Breeding should never be made with animals that are not in work. The proof of the education of the dog for work is a necessity for admission for breeding, rather than Show honors, which afford a very misleading idea of a dog’s value for breeding. Your dog can be beautiful, but if it cannot work, its worth is limited”.
VA Happy vom Fichtenschlag-Zwinger SchH 3, FH 1, KKL lifetime
VA Happy v Fichtenschlag-Zwinger
Owner: Natascha Meyer
Happy’s Working Career:
19.09.2008 Langley (Kanada) IPO3 96 95 88 279 15.06.2007 Kulmbach/Oberfranken FH194
13.05.2007 Neusorg u. Umgeb. SchH3 96 80 80 256
18.08.2006 Kulmbach/Oberfranken SchH 2 97 72 86 255 25.05.2006 Kronach AD------Ja
l25.05.2006 Kronach SchH1 90 77 80 247
09.04.2006 Forchheim-Nord BH------Ja
Happy’s Show Career:
29.07.2009 Chilliwack (Kanada) VA4 Dieter Oeser0
8.11.2008 Ethel, WA (Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika) V1 Frank Goldlust
25.10.2008 Aldergrove, BC (Kanada) V1 Klaus Gothe
01.10.2006 Wilkau-Haßlau V 7 Joachim Stiegler
01.09.2006 SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Oberhausen SG 115 Hans-Peter Schweimer
12.08.2006 Laakdal (Belgien) SG 37 Hans-Peter Schweimer
02.07.2006 LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau SG13 Hans-Peter Schweimer
25.06.2006 LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau SG 7 Klaus Gothe
28.05.2006 Mosigkau SG 4 Frank Goldlust
21.05.2006 Ermershausen SG4 Norbert Wettlaufer
23.04.2006 LG-Jugendliche Hundeführer Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau SG 4 Dieter Nitschke
Happy’s Breed Survey
An der obersten Größengrenze stehend, mittelkräftig, richtiges Gebäudeverhältnis. Hoher Widerrist, gute Kruppe in Länge und Lage, gute Vor- und sehr gute Hinterhandwinkelungen, ausgeglichene Brustverhältnisse, korrekte Front. Geradetretend zeigt sie sehr raumgreifende Gänge. TSB ausgeprägt; läßt ab.
Standing at the upper limit of size, medium-sized, correct building ratio. High withers, good croup in length and position, good fore-quarters and very good hindquarters angulation, balanced chest, correct front. When stepping straight, she shows very expansive gait. TSB pronounced; lets out.